Panoply Publishing

Panoply Press publishes a variety of print media from poetry chapbooks and ‘zines to literary magazines and novels. Check out what’s on our docket!


Submissions are open!

A core element of Panoply’s philosophy is that the forms we choose to tell our stories impacts the stories we tell. Cheirokmeta is a new literary magazine expressing just that: each piece will be printed with careful attention to typography, paper texture, and binding, such that the physical vessel for each piece will act as a part of the piece itself. Multiple papers and typographies will be bound together in one tome, creating a mosaic codex that acts as a physical representation of how each creator’s work is both distinctly its own and part of a larger whole.

The theme of our first issue is “creation,” and we’d love for you to send visual art and written work of all kinds that speak to the powers, beauties, pains, and joys inevitably encoded in making. We’re especially interested in work that experiments with form or otherwise has potential for expression through the physical, and we are eager to work with artists and writers in developing their work for print mediums.

Interested creators should send submissions to Nathaniel Klein at by April 30 for consideration in the premiere edition. All contributors selected for publication will receive a small financial honorarium and a contributor copy of the magazine upon its publication. There is no firm word count or page limit, but shorter pieces (<5000 words) are more likely to be selected for publication.